Friday, March 19, 2010

LoL - Pantheon is my main man.

I seem to be talking about League of Legends a lot lately. Must be my highly addictive personality coupled with a great game :P

Wanted to share a couple videos that I took last night, one of a great example of why pantheon is my main.

Here you will see me using Pantheons ult to drop in behind the enemy and clean up after a team fight.

What the video does not show is me killing Karthus about 2 seconds after it stops. You can barely see Karth's AoE in the upper right, and can see his ULT coming off my head. Great times with Pantheon love him! He is even great at tower diving!

This one occurs fairly early in the game, and if I had been just a touched quicker I might have gotten Blitzcrank as he fled.

And finally I wanted to share my HOT White Ashe dancing because (IMO) the white Ashe skin is one of the better ones. With the Frejlord skin she gets a little glow around her.


  1. Hey does using flash while ulting actually move the position of the ult or just where pant lands?

    Also what masteries/items do you use?

  2. Runes - for red I got all crit damage, mostly from maining shaco, but pantheons passive makes use of them.

    blue - straight ap, gives like 8.9

    yellows - dodge runes

    Masteries - ATM 24 offensive 6 utlity

    And yes, flashing causes the actual flame wave to move as well.

  3. sorry, as for items, i tend to buy long sword first, and a health pot.

    then buld zerker boots, and turn long sword into last whisper for armor pen.

    after that its an Inf edge then whatever I need based on the game.

  4. coolies ill give it a go like that when i get the chance.

    i like his play style but BLAH he just seems so gimmicky some times

    (im micar on the forum btw)
