Monday, September 27, 2010

I need a shooter. I need head-shots. I need dismembered body parts.

It has been quite awhile since I have enjoyed the thrill and adrenaline rush of a good shooter. The last time I was seriously playing a FPS game was with the beta version of Quake Live. Unfortunately that game has gone to the way side (Why did Bethesda think it would be smart to charge a yearly fee for a 10 year old game?) and now I am in need again.

I have been playing some Call of Duty 4:Reflex Edition on the Wii but it pales in comparison to shooters on the computer. Nothing will ever replace the keyboard and mouse until Halodecks are a reality. I feel like I missed out on the Call of Duty MW2 craze and have no desire to enter it now as a total noob. Been thinking about re-installing CoD2 or maybe CoD4 again and having some fun with those. From what I understand the new Call of Duty: Black Ops is due out soon so maybe I should wait for that¿

In the end though, I need some serious shooting. League of Legends is super fun, but it cannot fulfill my desire to put hot lead through someones skull...

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