Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Corki - An in-depth look and guide to the daring bombardier.

As League of Legends is probably the only serious game I have been playing recently I wanted to take a little time and really go in-depth with a champion that does not see play time all that often, Corki. Whenever a thread pops up on the League of Legends forum asking about which champion gets played the least poor Corki always makes the first page. I asked myself "Why is this?" Corki has one of the best basic skills in the game with his Q, a pretty decent escape with his W, a really useful E and an ult that can be cast once a second with a range equalling Kog'Maw. Why oh why is this champion so in-frequently played?

Lets start by taking a real close look at all of Corki's skills, their uses, pitfalls and basic numbers.

*The following information has been pulled from

Hextech Shrapnel Shells
(Innate): Corki's basic attacks deal 10% additional true damage to minions, monsters, and champions.
Ability Description Levelling up

Phosphorus Bomb
(Active): Corki fires a bomb at a target location. In addition to dealing damage, the blast reduces an enemy's chance to hit by 35% and reveals nearby stealthed units for 3 seconds.
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds.
  • Range: 600
Cost: 90 / 100 / 110 / 120 / 130 mana. Damage: 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+0.5 per ability power)

(Active): Corki surges to target location, dropping bombs that create a trail of fiery destruction for opponents who remain in it's fire.
  • Range: 700
  • Cost: 100 mana.
Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+0.4 per ability power) Cooldown: 20 / 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 seconds.

Gatling Gun
(Active): Corki's gatling gun fires multiple shots every half second for a short period of time, dealing a quarter of his attack damage and shredding the armor of enemies who are under continuous fire.
  • Cooldown: 16 seconds.
  • Range: 600
Cost: 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 mana. Duration: 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5 seconds.
Armor Reduction: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Missile Barrage
(Active): Corki fires a missile towards his target location that will collide with the first enemy it hits, also dealing damage to units around the target. Corki stores one missile every 10 seconds up to 7 missiles total. Every 4th missile will be a Big One, dealing double damage with 100% splash damage.
  • Cooldown: 1.2 seconds.
  • Range: 1200
Cost: 25 / 30 / 35 mana per missile. Damage: 125 / 200 / 275 (0.3 per ability power)

Right off the word go Corki has one of the best passives for a ranged carry in the game. A bonus 10% damage from his basic attack, that is true damage (meaning it does not get effected by armor). So if your basic attack deals 100 damage your going to deal 10 points on top of what gets through the armor.

Next his phosphorus bomb, in addition to dealing AoE damage, lowers the chance to hit for any enemies caught in it while revealing nearby stealthed units. This allows Corki to be a bit more aggressive in 1on1 situations against another physical carry. You can also use the ability to check bushes from a relatively safe distance as it will show any enemies hiding in them.

Corki has a great escape skill in the form of his Valkyrie. While the DoT is not that great it allows you to go through walls and put a little more distance between you and the enemy. The only downfall of this skill is the long cool down it has. Learning when and where to use this skill is one of the things that separate a bad Corki and a good one.

His Gattling Gun will make armored enemies rage. While it is arguably one of the hardest skills in the game to learn to use properly it has the potential to decimate an entire teams armor in one go. The skill involved with this is to learn to aim it. It has no targetting system, you simply activate it and it fires in front of you, where you are pointed it is firiring. Learning to use it effectively is one of the first things anyone wishing to play Corki needs to do. I recommend a couple practice games just to get the hang of it. One bonus to this skill though, you are able to use any of your other three skills while this one is active. So entering a team fight with your Gattling Gun on, then firing a phosphorous bomb and unloading your missiles will quickly decimate the enemy team.

Lastly, Corki has one of the more unique ultimates in the game. A long ranged skill shot that has a one second cool down. Does mediocre damage with every 4th one dealing double damage. With such a short cool down and the ability to store up to 7 missles at a time a good Corki can really harass the enemy team and force them to recall to heal without ever placing himself in danger. Another advantage is you do not loose your stored missles when you die, and can prime the larger shot before a team fight by quickly farming in the jungle or just firing off random shots.

Corki is all about the item build

Building a good Corki usaually means going pure Attack Damage items, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, Youmuu's Rage Blade. Many players will scoff at the rage blade as it is normally used for attack speed based champions like Xin Zhao or Master Yi, however the built in move speed buff helps Corki get out of tight situations while the increased armor penetration synergizes with his E well.

Other standard items on my build are a meki pendant for a starting item and ninja tabi or merc treads depending on the enemy team. Corki suffers from low mana regen and even with 9/0/21 masteries never has enough mana unless he grabs the lizard buff. A Meki Pendant will allow him to remain in the lane longer and allows you to build a Nashors Tooth end game for increased cool down reduction, increased mana regen and just a touch of AP to help boost your end game missiles.

Other good choices for Corki include some type of defense item, Banshee's Veil is a normal choice but I like to build a Guardian Angel. Reason being by the time I get the IE, the Last Whisper and some boots the enemy team is normally targetting me first during team fights. GA gives me a little bit of flexibility to enter the battle faster, get targeted down, rez and reapply the Gattling Gun.

While most of the pro players would call this a noobs way of thinking, it works for me. The enemy team has a tough choice, focus me down and allow the rest of my team to unload on them or ignore me and let me punish their team. Even if they focus me down, I will rez on the spot and continue to rip threw their armor, lower their chance to hit and deal good damage with my basic attacks.

Some things I have learned while playing Corki

I have been playing Corki more or less exclusively lately and have come to learn a thing or two about him. First he really should try and go mid if possible. Corki needs expensive items, as such he needs the extra gold from going solo mid. Focus on last hitting as a priority, your skills consume a great deal of mana so only lightly harass the enemy mid. Get your Q leveled up first, your E second and your W third, leveling your ult whenever possible.

Your W is not to be used to iniate or during a team fight. Use it to escape only. On the rare occasion you find yourself in a 1on1 use it if you think you can kill the enemy and get away. If there is an enemy jungler, I would advise against it. You are probably the squishiest champion on your team and need the mobility it offers. Since you only use it to escape you can hold off on leveling it and lowering the cool down. Focus on your damage skills first. 

You are not a ganker. You are a nuke/harass. Make sure your team understands this. Many times my soloQ team mates will get upset with me for not ganking top or bottom lane. Unless the opposing mid is dead you should be focusing on gaining gold and leveling up. Harass the enemy, push lanes, nuke during team fights. 

Never enter a team fight without your large missile being loaded. The 4th missile deals a good amount of AoE damage, have it ready when ever you think a team fight is going to break out. Lead off with it, start your Gatling Gun then start spamming more rockets. Typically you will get a second large missile loaded around the time an enemy champion starts to retreat. Use the large rocket to take them down.

Your Phosphorous Bomb shows stealthed enemies. If the enemy team has Twitch/Teemo/Eve/Shaco feel free to use your Q at random times in random places. You never know when you will uncover one of the stealthed champions and pickup a more or less free kill. The bomb can also show wards, shrooms and JiTB's use it to uncover these and take them out with your ranged attack. You have a built in short duration Oracles, use it as such. 

You can also place your bomb on the opposite side of narrow walls. Use it to peer into the bushes on top and bottom of mid (the ones in the river), over walls in the jungle. It will reveal an area of the map roughly half the size of clairvoyance for your whole team. This will also allow you to check Barron and Dragon from safety.

Feel free to join in the discussion thread I created at the official League of Legends forums here;
A discussion thread for Corki

Want to see some cool Corki Wallpapers, have a look at my League of Legends Wallpaper site for Corki and all the other champions.

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