Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Games! New Games!

Why is it whenever I decide to try a new game I end up installing 3 or more at the same time? After noticing the hundredth advertisement for Lord of the Rings: Online I went ahead and downloaded it to try it. Then I get a copy of Starcraft 2 to try out AND find a reason to reinstall Guild Wars. Mix that in with my current obsession with League of Legends, sitting down to play a quick game becomes more of an exercise in decision making than a simple gallivant into the video game world.

I am planning a dedicated post for both StarCraft 2 and LotR:O in the coming days, each game deserves it. LotRO is actually quite wonderful so far and SC2 is more or less SC1 with a bunch of built in things common to today's games.Not to get into them all here, proper ladders, achievements and replays bring the experience into this generation of games.

Guildwars ironically got reinstalled because I had thought about picking up the expansion pack and playing through it, so I could bring my achievements over into GW2. However, I got it installed, logged in, and meh... I instantly remembered why I quit in the first place... same ole same ole. Even with the promise of an expansion pack I cannot bring my self to play. Halloween is coming though, and ArenaNet always did a big festival for Halloween so I may leave it installed just to go playing around in the upcoming festivities.

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